Third Party Maintenance
Next-Gen Data Center Support
Data Center Hardware Maintenance
What’s next-gen support? It’s an altogether new tier of maintenance for storage maintenance, 十大赌博正规老平台器的支持 和 network hardware support.
One that’s unmatched by ordinary TPMs 和 even the OEMs. It’s proactive 监控, 24/7 L3支持, self-service via a mobile app, the industry’s only First-Time Fix™ Guarantee 和 more.
Why Move Your Hardware Support to Park Place?
Park Place相信为每一位客户提供全面的灵活性. 这就是为什么我们提供广泛的sla,甚至会根据您需要的性能标准专门定制一个sla. 问问!
Support for IT Hardware Still Under Warranty
With ParkView First Call™, Park Place Technologies将作为仍在OEM范围内的设备的联络点. We’ll call the OEM for you, 和 make sure a hardware support ticket is opened, 节省你的时间和麻烦,等待电话或检查你的电子邮件的回应.
One Partner Across OEMs, Across the World
- 在180多个国家提供多供应商硬件支持,您可以通过减少所需合作伙伴的数量来简化IT维护.
Extend the Life of Hardware
- 十大赌博正规老平台寿命终止(EOSL)支持可使您的投资持续运行更长时间, maximizing ROI 和 freeing money for other initiatives.
Fully Automated Maintenance Experience
- ParkView Hardware Monitoring™全天候监控事故,并自动开票, triages the issue 和 dispatches IT support.
Follow-the-Sun Support in 170 Languages
- 无论你在哪里, 和 whenever the need arises, Park Place提供多语言客户支持(包括L3支持).
The Industry’s Only First-Time Fix Guarantee™
- 如果需要在5天内往返解决同一设备上的相同问题, you get one month of support on the device free.
30-40% Less than the OEM
- Park Place结合了行业领导者对21世纪的信心,500+客户和类似于OEM的sla,显著节省成本.
The Next-Gen Data Center Support Experience
Self-Service Management
Central Park客户门户是用于管理数据中心维护的创新单窗格 & 监控. Key features include:
- Easy-to-read dashboard of key metrics
- Service ticket, contract 和 asset management
- Multi-account access
- Ability to designate multiple customer administrators
- ParkView™Hub包括安装向导和监控设备的可见性
- 通过 PPTechMobile应用
- 24小时实时聊天
Proactive Monitoring
无论您是监控存储设备、十大赌博正规老平台器设备还是网络设备, ParkView Hardware Monitoring™ 通过主动识别故障,无需客户采取任何行动,将您与维护解决方案之间的接触点数量减少到两个简单的步骤.
First-Time Fix™ Guarantee
很多维修公司都声称自己的第一次维修率很高,但只有一家公司拿自己的声誉冒险——Park Place Technologies. 与我们的 First-Time Fix™ Guarantee if we don’t resolve your storage, server or network hardware issue on the first visit, 我们将为您提供一个月的设备维护(和监控,如果适用的话)费用. 就是这么简单.
Fully Integrated Approach
With a full suite of infrastructure management services 和 data center professional services, Park Place Technologies可以帮助您优化数据中心支持,超越普通tpm提供的典型故障修复维护.
Been There, Fixed That.
900+Spare parts locations
21,500+Current 客户 supported
Central Park 客户门户网站
- Easy-to-read dashboard of key metrics
- Service ticket, contract 和 asset management
- Multi-account access
- Ability to designate multiple customer administrators
- ParkView™Hub包括安装向导和监控设备的可见性
- 通过 PPTechMobile应用.
- 24小时实时聊天
600+Global Professionals
15+Years Average Experience
150K+Service Calls 2021